Meet Ginko Bugs, a Swedish band from Brottby set to make waves with their new single "Close in October", released on October 13, 2024. The...
Proklaim’s “PROSPERITY”: A Powerful Reflection on Turmoil and Triumph
On October 14th, 2024, Proklaim released the latest single, "Substance". This single is anticipated to bring a new, thoughtful perspective to...
Al Shalliker’s “Time Out of Mind”: A Reflective Anthem of Regret and Renewal
Al Shalliker's new single, "Time Out of Mind", reveals his impressive growth as a solo artist since his 2021 debut. This powerful track combines...
“American Junkie”: A Provocative Reflection on Society
Mortal Prophets' new EP, "The American Junkie Show", is a thought-provoking look at life in America today. Released on September 27, this EP...